Visitor Information
Welcome to First United Methodist Church of San Benito
When you arrive, look for a greeter or usher, they will be looking for you. Don't worry about what you're wearing...just come on over, our doors are open to everyone. If this is your first time in a church, the first time in a longtime, or you're just looking for a new doesn't matter, you are welcome here. Make sure to fill out a Visitor Card so we can stay in touch with you after your visit. If it will be your first time worshipping with us, make sure you let the usher know as we have a gift for our first time guests.
If you have any questions you have not found an answer to, feel free to email us at
Here is some helpful information to give you a little head start...
Visitors and members may parallel park anywhere in front or side of the church building or across the street anytime with respect to handicap parking spaces. There is additional handicap parking allowed in the driveway in front of the chapel between the church and church office. Even more parking is available in the lot behind the church office- enter through the driveway, exit through the alley (please use caution during or after inclement weather).
Out of respect to the business owners request, we ask our guests and members to NOT park in the laundromat parking lot. There is a risk of your auto being towed if the business owner determines you are attending the church service and not a laundromat customer.
Sunday School
• Sunday School for adults begins at 9:15 am. Please come as you are and enjoy the word of God.
• There is a Children's Church that gets dismissed from the worship service after the announcements. Ages can range from elementary school age to middle school. Children and young adults are always welcome to remain in the sanctuary, however. Please ask our greeter any questions you may have prior to worship.
Worship Information
• Bulletins are found in the 'narthex', the entrance/ lobby of our church. Inside you will find helpful information to guide you through our semi-traditional service.
• We use two hymnals during most services. The red hardcover is the traditional Methodist hymnal with classic hymns and liturgy. There is a also a thin paperback hymnal, titled The Faith We Sing (TFWS), that features more modern and contemporary praise and worship music. Both are used interchangeably.
• A Prayer Journal is available in the front so anyone may write in a prayer request or praise. You may also use the prayer request form on our homepage.
• Holy Communion is served on the first Sunday of every month. It is an open table served by Intiction and all are invited to partake. Every month a specific mission or ministry is designated to receive a special communion offering. No one is obligated to donate money at any time.
• Restrooms are located to the left of the center staircase.